Designers: Loved or Hated?

Browsing social networks often leads to me seeing other designers' works and opinions. Oftentimes we share jokes about working with clients and how hard it can be to navigate that relationship. It got me thinking about what most clients think about Designers (specifically Graphic designers). Do they enjoy working with us or are they sharing jokes about what it's like working with Designers and how we just never seem to “understand” what they want. 

I think like most things there is a medium between the two. If I have a poor experience with a Client my assumption is that we either didn't understand each other or we are just not a good fit. I have to wonder though if someone has a bad experience with a designer do they assume that all designers are as such? My negative self would err on the side of people creating a bias in their head that all designers are a certain way and that's that, however the other side of me wants to believe people are more mature than that. If you read my post about Problems you know that from my experience designers are very misunderstood leading in turn to people either having no idea what they do or creating their own idea in their head until they are able / / want? / get to work with one of us. I have found that many of my clients don't realize they need a designer's help till they are a bit over their head and so we are seen as a kind of lifeline to help pull them back to safety and make things OK again. This means most of my client relationships remain ongoing and as they need things done they are happy to contact me for help, leading to an overall positive experience.  

What is your experience with Designers? Did they make things too complicated? Did they not understand your vision? If you need to have a great experience with a designer reach out to me with the button below!

Matt Timm

Agency level design work, Freelance level pricing

Why quick design solutions are not good design solutions