Is Hiring a Website Designer worth it in 2022?

As a business today, a website is one of the most valuable tools you can utilize to engage with your desired audience, and for some customers it may be the only interaction they have with your company. Ultimately, your website has a lot to accomplish. First and foremost, it needs to provide solutions to anticipated problems. This is why people navigate to your site, and if it doesn’t deliver what they are looking for – and quickly – it is very easy to back out and find one that does. Beyond delivering quality content, it needs to be engaging, professional, cohesive, and on brand. You must also ensure your website is easy to navigate for all users, adheres to legal requirements, and is optimized for mobile, search and social web.

Because a superior website is fundamental to running a successful business, and the list of necessities to create one is lengthy, in most cases it is worth every cent to invest in a professional web designer to ensure your online presence is maximized.

To DIY or Not To DIY

These days one can DIY just about anything. Web design is no exception. New programs that promise a website in a matter of minutes pop up every day, and if you are willing to invest the time and energy, how-to resources have never been more accessible. While creating a website without a web designer gives you ultimate control and may save money in the short-term, you must consider whether these pros outweigh the obstacles. Drag and drop templates are not always as simple as they seem and are notoriously restricting. Furthermore, a website created from a template runs the risk of looking like the competition rather than being customized to meet your specific business aesthetic. Do-it-yourself tends to look do-it-yourself.

Consider what is worth more to you, time or money? As a business owner you have a seemingly endless list of items that require your attention; do you have time to research and execute a website build that accomplishes your goals? Web designers are trained to know the technical and artistic aspects of web design. They devote specific time to honing their craft and can create a website more efficiently than the average DIY’er. In reality, time is money; therefore, investing in a quality web designer allows them to do what they do best so you can devote your time to do what you do best. 

Hire Right

It should be noted that while hiring a website designer is, in general, the way to go, it is very important to hire the right website designer. This will ensure the investment is a worthwhile one for you and your company. Therefore, instead of spending hours, days or even weeks trying to figure out SEO or the most visually appealing template for your content, take the time to vet an appropriate partner for your build.

When considering a web designer for your build the best place to start is with you. What are your expectations for your website, and are they realistic? Understand that even the most skilled web designers have limitations; there are just some things that can’t be done in web design due to the nature of it. Are you looking for a long-term partner or a one-time assist? Consider if you will need to continue utilizing services after the build; how will the website be maintained? What if something goes wrong? Do you want a jack-of-all-trades or a master of one? A partner with expertise in a wide range of design disciplines will allow you a single point of contact for all your design needs. Create a profile of the ideal candidate and then let the vetting begin.

Thanks for reading and if you are interested in hiring a web designer please don't hesitate to reach out!

Matt Timm

Agency level design work, Freelance level pricing

Thinking Like Bill Gates

