Matt Timm Matt Timm

Is Hiring a Website Designer worth it in 2022?

As a business today, a website is one of the most valuable tools you can utilize to engage with your desired audience, and for some customers it may be the only interaction they have with your company. Ultimately, your website has a lot to accomplish.

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Matt Timm Matt Timm

Perceived Value

Once you have determined something is worth it you will continually spend money on it and be ok with it costing what it costs. A big example of this is coffee, while it stays at a relatively consistent price most people drink coffee everyday and spend 3-4 dollars on it not thinking twice about it even though you can go to the gas station for cheaper coffee or make your own at home. You have decided that coffee has that much value and you are willing to trade your money for it.

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Matt Timm Matt Timm

Why quick design solutions are not good design solutions

Having a logo created quickly and for cheap might work for a company, risking not having it trademarked, having illegal use of fonts and potentially having a logo that is straight up plagiarized can work out, but most likely it wont. The company will get its “cheap” logo and use it for a while, a year or two will pass and they will realize their “cheap” logo doesn't mean anything and want to have their company rebranded.

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